Resources, Environment, Species and Ecological Assessment
for Responsible Change (RESEARCH)

About the Program

This program involves project site profiling, habitat and/or species-focused research, studies on ecological services and functions and regular biodiversity monitoring. MBCFI explores the possibility of engaging partnership with research and academic institutions, or other interested and equally capable organizations in the implementation of this program.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Annual Waterbird Census

Tamaraw Count in Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park

Dietary Analysis of the Critically Endangered Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) in Mindoro Island

Mindoro Island Symbolic Species Icons of Nature (MISSION)

About the Program

This program facilitates the formation of community-based biodiversity protection groups who are taking the lead in protecting the different ecosystems, habitats, and threatened endemic species which are symbolic icons of Mindoro Island.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Formation and Support of Peoples Organizations in Mt. Halcon and Mt. Malasimbo

Woodlots Restoration Projects

Foot Patrolling and Biodiversity Monitoring

Conservation Awareness Raising and Education (CARE)

About the Program

This program popularizes the biodiversity and cultural significance of Mindoro to gain broader support from the general public for its protection and conservation. Various information, education and communication strategies are being developed and implemented to increase the conservation awareness of the Mangyans, non-IP communities, and other stakeholders.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Mindoro TREASURES Environmental Sourcebook

Strengthening Environmental Education for Development (SEED) Program

Mindoro Biodiversity Podcast

Resources, Environment, Species and Ecological Assessment for Responsible Change (RESEARCH)

About the Program

This program involves project site profiling, habitat and/or species-focused research, studies on ecological services and functions and regular biodiversity monitoring. MBCFI explores the possibility of engaging partnership with research and academic institutions, and/or other interested and competent organizations in the implementation of this program.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Annual Waterbird Census

Tamaraw Count in Mts. Iglit-Baco National Park

Dietary Analysis of the Critically Endangered Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis) in Mindoro Island

Mindoro Island Symbolic Species Icons of Nature (MISSION)

About the Program

This program facilitates the formation of community-based biodiversity protection groups who are taking the lead in protecting the different ecosystems, habitats, and threatened endemic species which are symbolic icons of Mindoro Island.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Formation and Support of Peoples Organizations in Mt. Halcon and Mt. Malasimbo

Woodlots Restoration Projects

Foot Patrolling and Biodiversity Monitoring

Conservation Awareness Raising and Education (CARE)

About the Program

This program popularizes the biodiversity and cultural significance of Mindoro to gain broader support from the general public for its protection and conservation. Various information, education and communication strategies are being developed and implemented to increase the conservation awareness of the Mangyans, non-IP communities, and other stakeholders.

Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

Mindoro TREASURES Environmental Sourcebook

Strengthening Environmental Education for Development (SEED) Program

Mindoro Biodiversity Podcast

MBCFI is dedicated to the conservation and protection of Mindoro’s unique biodiversity. You can support our programs and projects by volunteering or making a donation.

MBCFI is dedicated to the conservation and protection of Mindoro’s unique biodiversity. You can support our programs and projects by volunteering or making a donation.

Thriving Together with Tamaraws


The D’ABOVILLE Foundation and Demo Farm Inc. (DAF), alongside the Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc. (MBCFI), have been dedicated to supporting local stakeholders in the preservation of the tamaraw and its habitats for over a decade, as outlined in their Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

In collaboration with Re:wild, the Zoological Society of London, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission (Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group), significant milestones have been reached.


The D’ABOVILLE Foundation and Demo Farm Inc. (DAF), alongside the Mindoro Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Inc. (MBCFI), have been dedicated to supporting local stakeholders in the preservation of the tamaraw and its habitats for over a decade, as outlined in their Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

In collaboration with Re:wild, the Zoological Society of London, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Species Survival Commission (Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group), significant milestones have been reached.

Tamaraw Conservation Management Action Plan

(TCMAP 2024–2033) and the Protected Area Management Plan for Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP PAMP 2021–2030).

With the support of the initial DARWIN Initiative grant (2021–2023), Re:wild and DAF have successfully developed sustainable strategies to foster collaboration between local authorities and the Taobuid communities, ensuring effective management of tamaraw habitats within Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP).

To ensure the continuation of this vital conservation program, under the leadership of Re:wild, DAF, MBCFI, and their partners, a joint decision was made to intensify efforts to protect the full expanse of tamaraw habitats across Mindoro.

This initiative has secured funding under the Darwin Extra scheme of the Darwin Initiative for the 2024–2029 period.

By all working together, they will manage Mindoro’s tamaraw landscapes and biodiversity in a manner that is both environmentally sound and socio-economically sustainable. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was consulted and provided its support for the funding application in this phase.

Tamaraw Conservation Management Action Plan

(TCMAP 2024–2033) and the Protected Area Management Plan for Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP PAMP 2021–2030).

With the support of the initial DARWIN Initiative grant (2021–2023), Re:wild and DAF have successfully developed sustainable strategies to foster collaboration between local authorities and the Taobuid communities, ensuring effective management of tamaraw habitats within Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP).

To ensure the continuation of this vital conservation program, under the leadership of Re:wild, DAF, MBCFI, and their partners, a joint decision was made to intensify efforts to protect the full expanse of tamaraw habitats across Mindoro.

This initiative has secured funding under the Darwin Extra scheme of the Darwin Initiative for the 2024–2029 period.

By all working together, they will manage Mindoro’s tamaraw landscapes and biodiversity in a manner that is both environmentally sound and socio-economically sustainable. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was consulted and provided its support for the funding application in this phase.

Scope of the New Phase of Collaboration

This new phase of collaboration aims to work in all areas where tamaraw are currently confirmed. It includes:

Tamaraw landscape 1: The core zone of the monitoring within Mts Iglit-Baco Natural Park- Taobuid indigenous territories.

Tamaraw landscape 2: The Aruyan-Malati region in the Municipality of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro – Taobuid indigenous territories.

Tamaraw landscape 3: The inner Mindoro range within the Ancestral Domain of the Alangan indigenous communities.

Strategy of Intervention

We aim to replicate and upscale the successful approaches, tools and methods developed so far, building on the lessons learned from past activities and baseline information currently available. The work-plan of activities is fully aligned with the TCMAP and the PAMP of MIBNP to correspond to the Work and Financial Plans (WFP) of the different offices operating in Mindoro.

We aim to support DENR and local stakeholders to implement these plans by providing technical support, enhancing capacity, and convening partners to establish an enabling framework for collaborative tamaraw conservation.

The project aims at five thematic outputs:

OUTPUT 1: Supportive framework
OUTPUT 2: Information
OUTPUT 3: Lasting capacity
OUTPUT 4: Threats monitoring and management
OUTPUT 5: Collaborative landscape management

Output 1

The policy, legal, planning and institutional framework better supports effective management of tamaraw and tamaraw landscapes within Indigenous territories.

Output 1

The policy, legal, planning and institutional framework better supports effective management of tamaraw and tamaraw landscapes within Indigenous territories.

  • Support the adoption and implementation of the Tamaraw House Bill
  • Support establishment of a Tamaraw Conservation Coordination Group
  • Assist in the annual updating of the TCMAP and its institutional use
  • Assist the proclamation of Aruyan-Malati as critical habitat and subsequent management planning
  • Assist the Inner Mindoro tamaraw landscape to gain protection status
  • Support the Taobuid and Alangan in their legal process (CADT, ADSDPP, CCP…)
  • Support the development of the Law Enforcement Forum and thematic workshops
  • Support awareness and communication initiatives for tamaraw
  • Conduct a new tamaraw Population and Habitat Viability Assessment (PHVA) in 2028 or 2029

Output 2

Reliable and up-to-date information is available to stakeholders about the species, ecosystems, communities, culture and land / resource use in the tamaraw landscapes.

Output 2

Reliable and up-to-date information is available to stakeholders about the species, ecosystems, communities, culture and land / resource use in the tamaraw landscapes.

  • Build scientific and research collaborations with educational institutions and universities
  • Establish appropriate monitoring methods for all tamaraw populations across Mindoro
  • Conduct tamaraw and biodiversity assessment in promising un-surveyed areas
  • Conduct a socio-agro-ecosystem assessments of the Taobuid living in the Aruyan_Malati region
  • Conduct a socio-agro-ecosystem assessments of the Alangan living in the Inner Mindoro region
  • Contribute to the next steps of the feasibility study for translocation and captive breeding
  • Create an online library of knowledge about wildlife, habitats and IPs in tamaraw landscapes

Output 3

Indigenous communities, authorities and other stakeholders have lasting capacity to maintain and extend effective tamaraw conservation and Indigenous management across all tamaraw landscapes.

Output 3

Indigenous communities, authorities and other stakeholders have lasting capacity to maintain and extend effective tamaraw conservation and Indigenous management across all tamaraw landscapes.

  • Build capacities of indigenous people’s leader and prominent community members
  • Document, highlight and promote Indigenous knowledge and culture
  • Support employment of IPs as rangers or technical staff
  • Develop training and learning programs on habitat restoration, land-use systems and sustainable farming using the permaculture based system initiative at station 2 MIBNP
  • Build training and capacitation’s programs about biodiversity conservation for government staff, rangers, IPs, project staff and internship students

Output 4

An integrated, effective framework to monitor and address immediate threats to tamaraw, other wildlife and natural resources is operational in all tamaraw landscapes.

Output 4

An integrated, effective framework to monitor and address immediate threats to tamaraw, other wildlife and natural resources is operational in all tamaraw landscapes.

  • Develop adaptive management, wildlife crime prevention and SMART system as framework for on-site protection and law enforcement
  • Support Indigenous initiatives for addressing illegal and harmful activities in their territories.
  • Support building of new base camps, ranger’s stations and needed infrastructure to improve field protection
  • Review the impacts and support official impact assessments of infrastructure projects in tamaraw landscapes

Output 5

The bio-cultural approach, which supports wildlife and Indigenous livelihoods in MIBNP, is being adapted and applied in natural and agroecosystems in all tamaraw landscapes.

Output 5

The bio-cultural approach, which supports wildlife and Indigenous livelihoods in MIBNP, is being adapted and applied in natural and agroecosystems in all tamaraw landscapes.

  • Finalize and operationalize the Taobuid Community Conservation Plan and the enlarged tamaraw ‘safe reproduction zone’ in Mounts Iglit-Baco Natural Park (MIBNP)
  • Formulate and initiate a complete habitat restoration plan for the wildlife/tamaraw safe reproduction zone expansion at MIBNP
  • Establish the permaculture based system experiment at station 2, MIBNP as a demonstration, learning and training site for habitat restoration, sustainable farming and cooperation
  • Identify and support specific Taobuid members in MIBNP who are willing to apply new land-use and farming techniques
  • Support collaborative review and revision of the MIBNP PAMP
  • Support the development of IPs’ landscape management plans in the Aruyan Malati and Inner Mindoro tamaraw landscapes
  • Establish a grant mechanism to support specific IP initiatives towards livelihood improvement, sustainable land-use and resource use management